Both Estonian citizens permanently living abroad and voters temporarily staying abroad who are entered in the list of voters have the right to vote abroad.
You can vote by using the voter application on the website from 9.00 a.m. on 3 June 2024 until 8.00 p.m. on 8 June 2024.
I-voting requires a secure computer with an internet connection and an ID card with a reader or a mobile-ID with PINs.
Additional info: E-voting | Elections in Estonia
To vote, send a voting request by letter to the foreign mission at #21-01, 18 Robinson Rd, Singapore 048547 or electronically to the email address of the foreign mission [email protected] by 10 May 2024 at the latest.
Late applications will be disregarded.
A copy of your identity document must be attached to the application form.
Additional info: Voting abroad | Elections in Estonia
Based on the voting request, the following will be sent to you by mail for voting:
- ballot paper
- envelopes
- aggregate list of candidates
When voting by mail, proceed as follows.
- Write the registration number of your chosen candidate in the space provided on the ballot paper.
- Place the completed ballot paper in the smaller (inner) envelope sent to you by the foreign mission.
- Place the small envelope in the larger (outer) envelope sent to you by the foreign mission.
- Write your name and personal identification code on the outer envelope.
- Send the ballot paper in the two envelopes by post to the foreign mission by 10th May 2024 at the latest.
At the Embassy of the Republic of Estonia in Singapore at #21-01, 18 Robinson Rd, Singapore 048547 on the 27th and 28th of May 2024 at 14.00-19.00.
- Please check in advance that your identity document is valid on the day of voting.
- If you wish to vote electronically, check that you have valid PINs.
- In order to vote, the person must be at least 18 years old and be included in the list of voters, which means that they must have a residential address entered in the population register. A person may vote in European Parliament elections in only one Member State.
Additional information
More information on the elections can be found at